
life sux. every1 sux. but i'm trying to live my best life... no matter how gd or nasty am i. i'm still me.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Complex disease gene mapping Part II

argh. was trying to do past year paper question for immunology -.-
something about the T cell central tolerance and peripheral tolerance mechanisms.
well, i can think of writing the 'mechanisms' but...
the questions says, contrast the two mechanisms!
how to do it oh?!

a bit tired d. still have two days to study for imm exam.
i've gone thru all the notes once. and guess i'll need to complete all the past yr paper questions tmr.
very no syok that they changed the format this year. why every units changed the exam format this semester!?
for the past few years didnt see they change also!!!

oh well.
since i hav mood to continue the previous post.
i try to type faster n go sleep earlier.
turned on heater for too long.
wan vomit now -.-

a bit more about the SNP genotyping...
and things abt platform technologies (wth is this =.=), pharmacogenetics n pharmacogenomics.


From the International HapMap Project, between 200,000 and 1 million tag SNPs can be used to represent the LD islands across the whole genome. Originally around 10 million SNPs had been reduced to around 1 million hor! the genotyping cost has been cut down so much but it is still very expensive!!!

SNP genotyping can be used to refine candidate gene area, and also applied in pharmacogenetics and forensics. We should consider about the genotyping accuracy, speed, cost and automation.

There are few methods for SNP genotyping... hybridization based, enzyme based, and sequencing...
For the hybridization, take the 'Molecular Beacon' method as example. The probe is hybridized with target sequence and result in fluorescent emission. Two probes corresponding to different alleles can be used with different fluorophores. the two probes are homozygous if only one signal is shown; heterozygous if there are two signals. Hybridization for SNP detection can be further expanded to microarray format... -.-"
Enzyme based example, FLAP endonuclease can only cleave tripartite structure formed by template, allele-specific probe and 'invader' probe.There won't be any cleavage in the mismatched probes.

Pharmacogenetics= studying the role of genetics in the effect drugs have on individual.
In different individuals, the genetic variation predominantly controls the responses to drugs. Adverse drug reactions will cause morbidity and mortality. drugs use is tailored to each individual, for cost savings, better outcomes and fewer adverse outcomes.
Drug: gut-> bloodstream -> tissues
only a small proportion of the initial dose of drugs will produce the desired effect, others are broken down and excreted. Usually drugs are modified in the liver. oxidation-> CO2 exhaled; excreted in urine or faeces(bile), by increasing the solubility. Glucuronic acid in liver conjugates with the drug and excreted. Kinetics of drug metabolism = rate at which a drug is metabolized or excreted, by measuring blood levels of drug at fixed time point after application. Variation is seen btw individuals and across populations.

damn. so sien. and sleepy and not feeling so well!!!

alright i'll just stop the crap now =.=

my lips are so dry and i have to keep putting moisturizer so often! T.T

dizzy now. mood no good -.-
good night!!!


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